Getting It Right in the Digital Camera
Bird Feeder Photography 2
Getting It Right in the Digital Camera : Focus I
Focus II, Getting it Right in the Digital Camera
Back Button Auto-Focus
ISO Control
Exposure, the Basics & More
Exposure - The Basics Part II
Using the Histogram
Exposing to the Right
Is It Me, the Software, or My “Eye”
Diffraction & Best Lens Sharpness
Enriching Foliage Photography
Freezing the Foliage : ISO Stacking
Seeing in the Dark
Getting the Most from Christmas Lights Photography
Capture the Person Along With the Pixels
Photographing Falling Snow
Long Lens Snow
Controlling Perspective in the Digital Darkroom
romatic Aberration (Foiling the Fringe)
Dumb Luck and Backing Up Your Images
HDR: Bon Appetitt
Shine a Little Light
Infrared, Seeing Photography in a Different Light
Long Exposure Crowd Control
Fixing Polarized Skies
Let's Get One Thing Straight
Shooting the (biggest) Moon
Star Track Photography
I Do Windows ... Is That Wrong
Dumb Luck and Foreshortening
Crowd Control
Nubble Light Gull
Steadying Your Low Light Photography
Photographing the Magic of Velvet Water
Dead Leaf Photography
Finally! A New Photography Web Site
Taking a Fresh Look at Your Photography
Photoshop's Many Disappearing Acts
Photographing Comet PanSTARRS
Taming the HDR Beast
- Night Time Photography, Searching for the Milky Way
- Do Something New With Your Photography
- Tangible Art, Showing Prints of Your Photographs
- Time Lapse Time (What to do During a Four Hour Time-Lapse)
- Dealing with the Dapple
- Photoshop Photography Program
- Everyday Photoshop Magic : Layers
- "No Budget for Photography", The Devaluation of Photography
- Reclaiming the Sky
- Editing Your Photos With the "Blow-Up" Scan
- Foot Photography
- Hand-Held Focus Stacking
- Seeing the Unseen
- Antique Photo Restoration
- Early Spring Macro Photography
- Look to the Foreground in Milky Way Photography
- Done! Retirement and Discipline
- What Camera Should I Buy (Part 1: Compacts and Pocket Cameras)
- What Camera Should I Buy (Part 2 : DSLRs, Mirrorless and Why Choose?)
- Resurrecting Old Favorites
- My "New" $30 Tripod
- Lesson from Autumn Photography
- Lightroom Map Module, Finding That Red Barn
- White Balance, The Basics of Digital Photography
- Photography of Cold
- The Problem with Wires, Part I
- The Problem with Wires Part II
- Bird Feeder Photography
- Controlling Long Lens Shudder
- Negative Clarity for Landscape Photography
- Digital File Types
- Favorite Light for Spring Foliage
- Exploring Night Sky Photography
- The Photoshop Challenge
- Tips for Sharp Focus
- Why I Photograph
- Adding Depth with Negative Dehaze
- Working With the Light (Part 1)
- Working with the Light (Part 2)
- A Night Out with The Photographer's Ephemeris
- My Problem with Monopods
- Hand Bracketing Your Brackets
- Let Lightroom Pick the Lenses for Your Next Trip
Lightroom Panorama Tool
HDR in Lightroom
Is Photography Art ? Is it a Craft ?
Teaching Lightroom
Teaching Lightroom : Lessons Learned
Lens Cleaning, If You Must
Capturing the Full Impact of Ocean Surf Photography
Guided Upright Tool in Lightroom CC
The Magic in a Bright and Sunny Day
Flower Photography
Chasing Rainbows
Find Rather Than Search
Protecting Your Camera from the Summer Heat
Single Lens Walk-About
What is Super about a SUPER MOON?
- Photographing Art
- Photography Through the Fence – Melting the Wires
- Conservation Photography
- Five More Photographic Secrets
- Infrared Season
- The Temptation of One Minute More (Eagles on the River)
- Spray and Pray?
- Image Backup for a Long Journey
- Photography of Holiday Lights
- First Snow, Capturing the “Winter Wonderland” Moment
- Using Neutral Density Filters
- Aperture Size and Depth of Field, the Jesus Factor
- Spring Waterfall Season and Workshop
- Infrared Season 2018
- Lens Correction
- Flash Photography I, Cute Little Owen!
Digital Basics (Getting Started in Digital Series)
Photographic Editing (Photoshop & Lightroom)
Photographic Composition:
Tips and Tricks
Going Places
New England
The Catsbane Brook
2017 Retrospective
Portland’s Six Lighthouses : A Gallery
Portland's Six Lighthouses (NEPG Article)
- The Temptation of One Minute More (Eagles on the River)
- I Get My Dose of Fenway
- Spring Green 2017
- Spring Waterfall Photography Weekend 2017
- Bird Feeder Photography 2
- Christmas at the Fells
- What is Super about a SUPER MOON?
- November Photography
- Fall Foliage Workshop
- Fall Foliage Workshop ; The Color is Coming!
- Exploring Photography at the Cheshire Fair
- Short Leash Photography
- Looking for Spring
- An April Day of Winter
- Returning to New England I
- Returning to New England II
- Favorite Meeting Houses of the Monadnock Region
- Why Monadnock
- October Therapy : Autumn Glory, Part 1
- October Therapy : Autumn Glory, Part 2
- Newport in Autumn
- Autumn Album , September
- Travels with Nellie
- First Falls
- Newfane Vermont (NEPG Article)
- Newfane Vermont Album
- Super Moon on the Coast
- The Rye Beach, 2015
- The Under-Appreciated Lichen
- Dreaming of Spring, 2014 Album
- The Vermont Country Store
- Bird Feeder Photography
- A Hancock Album
- Southern and Central Vermont Color Preview
- One Tree
- Rye Beach 2014, Challenges and Opportunities
- Noone Falls and My Sad Camera Bag
- Bagging My Snowy
- Early Spring Macro Photography
- Fay Falls and Ashuelot Gorge
- Water Falls of Cheshire County, New Hampshire
- Revealed ! Rediscovering a Couple of Photographic Treasures
- Finding Pulpit Falls, Possibly
- Pulpit Falls, FINALLY!
- Madame Sherri's Album
- I'm Done (Enough of this Cold Winter)
- A New Web Site for the Chesterfield Conservation Commission
- The "Best" of 2013
- Autumn Revisited
Photography Close, Really Close, To Home
- Photographing all of the New England Autumn
- The Power of Coming Back (Roads End Farm)